Tracy Gale

Foundation Recipient
Tracy Gale
Tracy Gale
Tracy's Story
Tracy and her husband own and operate T-Bird Plumbing Company in Bryan, Texas. As at wife, mother and owner of a small business, Tracy had a busy life.
Life as she knew it however would change forever on January 18, 2010.
Tracy was involved in a motor vehicle accident, and suffered a fracture of her t-2 vertebrae, resulting in her becoming a paraplegic.

Besieged with medical costs and lost income, Tracy petitioned the Joseph Groh foundation for a wheelchair van equipped with hand controls in order to maintain the ability to work and transport her children.
Due to the generosity of supporters, the foundation was able to grant her request.
Joseph Groh Foundation
The Joseph S. Groh Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support and guidance to people with a connection to the plumbing, electrical, roofing, construction,  or HVAC industries who are living with life-altering disabilities.
The Joseph S. Groh Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support and guidance to people with a connection to the plumbing, electrical, roofing, construction,  or HVAC industries who are living with life-altering disabilities.